
Saturday 1 November 2014

Tenerife Playa de las Americas - 17 March 2013 to 24 March 2013

Hotel: H10 Las Palmeras 

This holiday was very special to my husband and me as it was the first time that we went on a proper " holiday holiday " as I call it. So far, we only ever went abroad to visit family, either my home country of Germany or his home country of Pakistan. So, event though we are both in our 40's, it was the first time ever that we did have a beach holiday, first time in Spain and first time on an 'All Inclusive' holiday. We loved it!

17 March 2013 - Day 1

Approaching Tenerife and unmistakingly the famous landmark Mount Tide. 

Ahem, yes that was our airline. And no, I'm not connected to them in any way :) Very pleasant flight (4 hours from London Gatwick) with no problems and flying into Tenerife South.

These pictures were taken out of the plane. 

Exploring the hotel... first thing to check out is the bar. 

And than we went for our first walk around Playa de Las Americas. 

As it was late when we arrived,  we didn't get a meal any more in the hotel, so went for a kebab :) which was absolutely lovely. And huge. 

Our room was on the first floor. No sea view, but never mind. 

18 March 2014 - Day 2

Some views of our hotel room


View from the balcony

 The grounds of the hotel

 The beach front just behind the hotel

 and turn around - view of the hotel from the beach front

 A walk further down the beach promenade - we loved the colours of this hotel

 Dinner at the hotel

This is the front of the hotel

And the main road just outside the hotel

I'm enjoying my cocktail at the hotel

19 March 2013 - Day 3

This is our hotel entrance

The road outside the hotel 

 A walk along the beachfront and I am modelling my new sun hat. 

Tenerife Supermarket. It was the first time that I went into a supermarket and had to put my bag away in a locker, we were only allowed to go in holding our money purses. 

Inside a small shopping mall

 We walked through this hotel - very pretty

 And finally - the beach

Walking along the beachfront at night time

 In our hotel by the pool bar, enjoying the cocktails. 

Some more pictures from day 3, taken from the other camera.

20 March 2013 - Day 4

Day trip today to Tenerife's famous Loro Parque - literally translated Parrot Park but it is more like a Zoo. 

The bus journey took a long time. In reality, it is only a 45 hr drive, but the coach did lots of pick-ups from hotels all along the way. I enjoyed the journey though, as otherwise I won't get a chance to see much of Tenerife, and took lots of pictures from the coach window. 

 Ok, I had to take a picture of this for me son Dan. :) 

 When driving on the main motorway in Tenerife, you are never far away from the ocean. 

 Here we are already in the park. I loved the penguin house. 

Watching the sea lion show

 The parrot show

 We had the most delicious meal in a restaurant outside the Zoo. I had fish.

 Driving again. Here are banana fields. 

 Picture of a local hospital. I loved this... how does this compare to your local hospital LOL. 

 Back in the hotel and on to the cocktails. 

 And than we decided to go out to the local 'strip' called Veronica's. Very busy. Loved to watch the crowds (from a safe distance!)

 Temperature at about midnight

Again, a few more pictures from the other camera. 

21 March 2013 - Day 5

21 March 2013-Day 5

A walk around town. 

 The beach here is quite rocky

 We loved the colourful architecture of this hotel.

 I decided to have my hair cut. Was a bit apprehensive, but than thought I just 'go for it'. Walked into a hairdresser we found on a square with row of shops and tried to show and explain what I want - hoping the young hairdresser will understand me. Well... I had a surprise. When speaking to her, not only was she English, but originated from Bexleyheath which is like... 10 mins drive from our hometown! We had a good chat about back home and about the island. 

22 March 2013 - Day 6

Another day trip - today we went on an Island Trip. Again, it was a bit of a strain to be in the coach for all the pick-ups before the actual trip started. I didn't mind too much, but just make sure you don't need the toilet too often, as those coaches don't have loos! 

Many of the pictures were taken through the bus window.

Mount Teide, Tenerife's famous landmark Vulcano. 

 Lava flow from prev eruptions

The landscape here is often used for movies. 

Rojo Mojo and Verde Mojo - the two famous spice sauces from the Canaries. 

The bus ride along the narrow mountain roads got a bit scary at times. 

And back to the hotel for cocktails! 

 This is my favourite - Mojito

More pictures from the other camera from our day out to Mount Teide. 

23 March 2013 - Day 7

Our last full day here.
We decided to re-visit some of the places we saw and liked around town. 

 The Veronica's Strip in daytime - much quieter.

 How about that? A Burger King on the ground floor, a strip club on the 1st floor and a church on the top floor!

 I will miss this. 

 The hotel bar one more night.

 Hotel entertainment. 

 The hotel restaurant had a Spanish night.

24 March 2013 - day 8

And here goes our final day.

Breakfast for the final time. 
 I took some pictures in and around the hotel

 Final walk in town

 No more All Inclusive meals, so we had some Chinese in this buffet restaurant which was very nice.

What a great time we had! I would love to come back to Playa de las Americas, Tenerife tomorrow if I could .